Kratom Strains

What Is Red Bentuangie Kratom?

What is red Bentuangie kratom?

One powerful kratom strain that I want you to have the opportunity to try is red Bentuangie kratom. Bentuangie kratom is one of the newer kratom strains, originating from the Indonesian jungles. As I’ve always been fascinated with the history of kratom and always educating others on strains, today we’re breaking down a newer kratom strain that I really enjoy.

When we first wrote about Red Bentuangie, it was a newer strain. Today, it’s quite popular, so I hope you enjoy reading this and learning more about what you may expect with this specific strain.

Bentuangie kratom is a truly interesting strain, one that is now well known as it may show sedative effects and relaxing properties. While we naturally think about red vein kratom could be a great counter to discomfort, red Bentuangie kratom is a little different. While it may help you with deiscomfort, the stimulation comes a little slower with this strain. 

While it’s a red vein kratom and has similar properties as other red veins such as discomfort relief, some of the characteristics I see stand out are that it may help with relaxation, calmness, and a sense of overall well-being. 

Red Bentuangie Kratom comes from our growers in Indonesia, this is a relatively new strain of kratom and is definitely one of our more potent red vein strains. Bentuangie kratom has a few different names, such as Tropical Blend, Tropical Mixed Blend, or Superior Bentuangie. It may show sedative effects and relaxing properties. Just in case you hear others referring to it by these names, more than likely, it’s referring to Bentuangie kratom. This kratom strain is known for having high 7-hydroxymitragynine properties.

red bentuangie kratom


Now, I know you’re wondering about how Bentuangie kratom may be able to help you. Kratom may have a lot of benefits, Bentuangie is no different, but it’s an interesting strain, to say the least. While it acts like a red vein kratom in many ways, in other ways it doesn’t.


Red vein is well known for being a discomfoprt reliever, Bentuangie kratom is no different. In fact, some people prefer red Bentuangie versus other well-known kratom strains because they believe that it may help them with discomfort relief. Many people feel that Bentuangie is more potent. If you’re looking for a stronger discomfort relief effect, you may consider buying red Da Maeng and try mixing it with your red Bentuangie.


Although many kratom strains may help elevate your mood, red Bentuangie kratom could be a great choice. I’ve known friends and customers to report that it may help with their tension and mental anguish. Others report that it might help them become more sociable and at ease in larger crowds.


A few experiences I can vouch for myself are Bentuangie’s relaxing effects. It’s important to note that I experienced these with small dosages. If you take large kratom dosages with this strain, it may not produce the same effects.


I’ve experienced this myself and have friends who agree, this strain may help ease tension. I want to be clear though, I’m not saying it’s a long-term solution for a restless mind, mental anguish or nervousness. With that being said, it knocks off the edge of my tension. It calms me, it relaxes me, it puts me in a good place.


If you have trouble sleeping, Bentuangie could be the solution. Personally, I prefer red Bali kratom for sleep but I’ve been rotating my kratom powders between Bali and Bentuangie as of late. You can buy kratom powders and try using them.


Another benefit that many kratom users have expressed is how long Bentuangie effects last. I’d have to agree, to an extent. Yes, it may last longer than some of the other popular strains. When it comes to kratom effects, there’s a lot that plays a role in how long it may last. Everyone is different, we react to things differently, so it’s hard to just say it’s one of the top kratom strains for the length of stimulation.


We’re always getting questions from customers and our community about dosing. First, it depends on the kratom powder you take. So, you should understand how to use kratom powder.

Specifically for dosing Bentuangie kratom, it’s all about personal preference. You’ll hear me say this all the time, it depends on you. No two people are completely alike, we’re all different. Due to this, no one knows what your perfect kratom dose is. You have to find out on your own, I’ll guide you the best I can to get there.

If you’re new to kratom and you’re wanting to start out with red Bentuangie kratom, you may start out slow. Take 1-3 grams, give it 30-45 minutes to take effect. Analyze how you feel. If you don’t feel anything, increase it by 1-2 more grams, wait another 30 minutes.

A mid level dose would be 5-7 grams. A high dose, I’d consider anything over 7 grams at once as a high dose.


Bentuangie kratom is still one of the newer kratom strains on the market, getting its start from the beautiful Indonesian jungles. This kratom strain is known for having high 7-hydroxymitragynine properties. 

If you’re new to kratom, let me give you a few more tips.

If you’re going to be buying kratom online, make sure it’s from a trusted kratom vendor.

Start slow, don’t over do it because you may not like how you feel.

As you’re doing now, do your research. Learn about the different kratom strains and how each may be able to help you.

Kratom can be taken in a lot of different ways;

All of us take kratom for different reasons, we want you to be safe.

Finding out how much kratom to take is different for everyone, there’s no single scale to follow. It’s all about personal preferences and you hopefully find what you’re looking for out of kratom.

If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re always here to help.

We always appreciate the comments, feedback, and community. Let us know, have you tried red Bentuangie kratom? How did it make you feel? What was your experience?


About Eric Rollings

An advocate and enthusiast of natural remedies, first discovered kratom nine years ago when searching for solutions for lack of focus and desire to withdraw from communicating with others in social situations. Struggling with various challenges led him to explore alternative treatments, ultimately finding comfort in the traditional Southeast Asian botanical, kratom. Since then, Eric has dedicated himself to understanding and promoting the responsible use of this herbal supplement. His personal journey has inspired him to engage with various communities, sharing his knowledge and experience, and he has become a respected figure in the field. Through seminars, writings, and active participation in online forums, Eric continues to spread awareness of kratom, hoping to assist others who face similar struggles. His passion and dedication have made him a prominent voice in the natural health community.

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